Thursday, August 13, 2009



Motivator of the world famous Brian Tracy, said that we live in the cumulation of valid law, that is all things big and mean in our lives is an cumulation of hundreds and even thousands of small efforts that we may not realize.

This law applies in the 3 sectors in our lives:

Sector I. Knowledge: All knowledge begins from the base.
No one suddenly become smart and knowledgeable .. Never
underestimate the knowledge base. Also never stop learning, because
cumulation of all that is the form of your knowledge and insight..

Sector II. Money : Property can be someone's saving and investment, from the dollar
for dollars that are collected.

Sector III. Experience: The accumulation of experience can even overcome the theoretical and

Message cumulation law: Do not underestimate the things that still look small even.
Yes, whether it is customers who buy only a little, or opinion of
new employees, or boring training, never underestimate!

Because from this our foothold toward things bigger. Achieving greater formed from the small
things that to be cumulation and processed properly.

LA ZZIDO self development

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